Rest Area Jobs
The Arc Big Bend employs over forty individuals from Madison and the surrounding area for the landscaping and maintenance of rest areas and weigh stations in Madison, Jefferson, and Taylor Counties. We give preference to applicants with disabilities and more than 75% of our workforce has some type of disability.
Rest area jobs start at minimum wage and full-time employees are eligible for insurance and other benefits. The Arc Big Bend pays the majority portion of the employee’s health insurance. Additionally, employees are provided with managerial support and job coaches. Our organization allows employees to gain natural supports that help them to navigate their daily job tasks. Our goal is to provide persons with disabilities an opportunity to experience meaningful employment in an inclusive environment in their own community.
As you travel along Interstate 10 through Madison/Jefferson Counties, or along US19/27 through Taylor County, you may have an opportunity to stop in at one of the Rest Area locations and say “Hi” to some of our staff.
How to work at the local rest area
We always accept applications and maintain a pool of qualified candidates. Even if we don’t have an opening when you inquire, please submit an application for our files. You may call our office or come by to pick up an application. If you already have a relationship with Vocational Rehabilitation, you can speak with your Counselor or Employment Specialist about applying. If not, we encourage you to contact Vocational Rehabilitation to see how they can help you find the perfect job for you.
Our employees take pride in their work and make sure that their duties are performed to the best of their ability. Because of their hard work, we have been recognized on several occasions across the State of Florida as having the cleanest and best-kept rest areas.
We are able to provide this employment opportunity through contracts with RESPECT of Florida and we appreciate their continued support and assistance in maintaining those contracts.